sábado, 21 de mayo de 2011

Worrisome heart (Melody Gardot)


I need a hand.. with my worrisome heart
I need a hand.. with my worrisome heart,
I would be lucky to find me a man
who could love me the way that I am,
with this here worrisome heart..

I need a break from my troubling ways
I need a break from my troubling ways,
I would be lucky to find me a man
who could love me the way that I am,
with all my troubling ways..

I need a man who got no baggage to claim
I need a man who got no baggage to claim,
I would be lucky to find me a man
who could love me the way that I am,
a worrisome troubling baggage free, modern day dame
a worrisome troubling baggage free, modern day dame
Ain't nobody the same...

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